Saturday, September 19, 2009

Carry On Tuesday # 19


Your prompt for Tuesday September 22nd


This week our prompt is a complete quotation from the Nobel Literary prize winner Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Pick whichever piece of it you wish and use it within your poem or prose. Then leave the url of your post (not of your blog) with Mister Linky and a comment


To read more about Albert Camus and to view more of his quotations CLICK HERE



  1. I'd intended to have a non-blog week but your quote seduced me!

  2. your prompts are always so wonderful :-)

  3. Great quote! Thanks for doing this-I love your writing prompts!

  4. I have read this a thousand times...still when you prompt it here, it brings a new light.Thanks a tonne for the wonderful prompts.

  5. Just noticed that my comment is not here! Strange! I thought I was the first one! So trying again!

    Great words! Enjoyed them! I tried something different ~ a poetic book review!


Carry On by leaving a few words about your Carry On!