Saturday, July 18, 2009

Carry On Tuesday # 10

Your prompt for Tuesday July 21


Welcome to Carry On Tuesday. Our prompt this week is the opening lines of the Charles Dickens tale David Copperfield.

Whether I shall turn out to be
the hero of my own life......
Use all or part of it at the start or somewhere within your poem or prose. Then leave the url of your post (not of your blog) with Mister Linky and a comment.

To read about David Copperfield click here


  1. Hi a hero or a zero? follow me..:)

  2. My attempt - a little early this time:)

  3. Thought I'd have a go this week!

  4. I love that these prompts allow me to write poetry. I guess I need that. Thank you.

    "Only the Wind Know"

  5. I didn't think I had anything to say; my pen had other ideas.


Carry On by leaving a few words about your Carry On!